Sunday, August 15, 2010

Logo Motive: UPDATE

So today marks the original deadline for the "Logo Motive" contest.  We have received some great submissions, however, not enough submissions to warrant a REEEEEAL competition. So we have decided to extend the submission deadline, indefinitely.  We want more of your creative minds at work.  And maybe we can have a larger discussion, in the meantime, on what you think Galvanize is and does, or what Galvanize SHOULD be and do.

We want to hear from you.

As far as logo submissions, they can still be sent to:, and we will keep the deadine open-ended, until we feel we have a sufficient number of entries. 

NOW. . .

To start you off, find a peaceful spot--low light.  Close your eyes.  Light some incense--what the heck, right? And begin to chant:

Galvanize. . . DC's Black Theater Network
Galvanize. . . DC's Black Theater Network
Galvanize. . . DC's Black Theater Network

And see what images come to mind.  Bring those images to life!

Looking forward to to your work.

Peace, blessings, and broken legs,

1 comment:

  1. Looking for an actress. Character description: late teens, early twenties, fair skinned (mixed race). Project is working out of Silver Spring, Md. area. Please call Greg 240 383-7054.
